Some helpful tip for Petri Art

Some helpful tip for Petri Art

Let's talk about the technique of Petri Art. I'm not an expert, nor have I created any wonderful Petri Art, but I do understand the science behind this.

There are 3 elements to Petri Art. 

  1. The resin
  2. The Ink
  3. The Sinker


First, let's talk about the process. This is a super basic description:

  1. Pour the resin
  2. Drop the Alcohol Ink
  3. Drop the Sinker In

Now let's get technical

  1. Resin

- If the resin has a low viscosity, it will allow the alcohol ink to spread fast diluting the colour.

- If the resin has a low viscosity, it will let the sinker drop down to the bottom without suspending it.

So your resin needs to be a higher viscosity. You can use a 2:1 resin, but of course you have to consider pouring thickness. For 2:1 resin the max pour depth I recommend is 6-8mm and for small articles not for large.

The other way to get a higher viscosity is to do your dropping as a resin is curing (curing is the process of increasing crosslink which also increases viscosity as it cures). You have to do it at the right time or you will be dropping it in to too thin resin. Timing is very important.


  1. Alcohol Ink 

The Colour percentage of the alcohol ink matters a lot. Cheap inks will use less pigment, more expensive (or better quality inks) will use more pigment, which will result in richer deeper colours. 

Viscosity of the inks will also matter. Highly pigmented inks will have a lower viscosity which is better for controlling the spread. 

  1. Sinker 
    The sinker ink is a heavier ink made up of minerals with a higher density that's job is to go to the bottom. If the sinker isn't good quality, it will be too heavy and go to the bottom. If you put your sinker in and the resin is too low viscosity, there is no resistance and the sinker will go to the bottom. 

What do you want to get perfect petri?

  1. Correct viscosity
  2. Correct Colour Ink Pigmentation
  3. Great Spread with minimal mixing (viscosity affects this and quality of inks)
  4. Great quality sinker with right weight
  5. Perfect timing
  6. Lots of trial and error
  7. Mould Story's new range of Krystal Moulds designed to be highly transparent so you can see what's going on at the bottom! Launching in 3 weeks!

The sinker is basically white ink that will coat in the colours and move towards the bottom taking the colour slightly with it.

Extra hints:

- About 2 drops of colour for every 1 drop of Sinker.

- A 4 Inch Coaster needs about 45 drops

- To get pastels, try premixing alcohol ink and sinker

- If you want less spread and more viscosity, wait more after you mix your resin before you pour

- You should know your resin of choice's curing characteristics very well.

Reading next

Resin Curing Stages- Important!!!

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